
About Asian Telegraph Qatar

Asian Telegraph Qatar, led by veteran journalist Ashraf Siddiqui, is a trusted news platform focused on Qatar’s contributions to global peace, economic growth, education, and youth development. 

Featuring insights from international journalists, it covers local and global events in business, culture, sports, and more, offering readers balanced perspectives on both Qatar and world affairs.

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Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                  05 March 2018

National Human Rights Committee of Qatar (NHRC) on Tuesday held a ceremony in recognition of services of it's staff, their efforts and dedication over the past period. Present on the occasion were Dr. Ali Bin Samih Al Marri, Chairman NHRC, Mrs. Mariam Al Attiyah, Secretary General of the Committee, Heads of Departments and members of various expatriate communities living in Qatar.

Those services were recognized included Cleaners, Security, Transportation and other services.

Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri said on the occasion that  "We are delighted today by this meeting, which brings together the various staff members of the Committee, from their duties and responsibilities, from the cleaning worker to the service officials, the transport workers and the representatives of the communities, resident on the land of Qatar. "

"We have been thinking to organize this ceremony to acknowledge and to thank you for all the efforts you make every day and to contribute to the success of the National Human Rights Committee and to achieve its mission," he said.

He said that we all are one team with different responsibilities and tasks.

'The workers and staff of the Committee have hand in hand made tremendous efforts, especially during this period in which we face an unjust siege,' Chairman NHRC said.

Dr. Ali bin Samikh AlMarri joined in group picture with the recipients of the awards.


Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                    05 March 2018                                                                                                                                                                                     (Gulf Times)

The ongoing blockade on Qatar is a “complete failure”, Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Hamad al-Thani, CEO, Qatar Media Corporation (QMC) declared.

He was speaking at a seminar on “Qatar’s dignity and victory after nine months of siege” hosted by Arabic daily 'Arrayah', a sister concern of daily Gulf Times' at The Ritz-Carlton Doha.

"The main intention of the blockading countries was to take away such a prestigious event as the FIFA 2022 World Cup and create considerable economic loss to this country, which has spent heavily on building a massive infrastructure as part of its ambitious preparations to host the mega event," he explained.

Among participants were Dr Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri, Chairman, National Human Rights Committee, Hassan al-Thawadi, Secretary General, Supreme Committee for Legacy and Delivery,  Khalid bin Rashid al-Khater and Prof. Majid bin Mohamed Al-Ansari, Economic Policy expert.  Saleh bin Afsan Al-Afsan Al-Kuwari,  Editor in Chief, Arabic Daily Arraya moderated the event.

While recalling the incidents leading to the blockade, Sheikh Abdulrahman said it had its beginning before the US-Islamic Forum meeting in the US where there were protocol violations and editors and journalists were not invited for the mandatory press conference at the end of the conference. "There was a concerted campaign against Qatar," he asserted.

The blockading countries accused Qatar of supporting terrorism without an iota of evidence and it was clear that their main plan was to tarnish the image of Qatar at all levels. They also wanted to harm the Qatari currency heavily, he said.

"Besides blocking the air, sea and land routes to Qatar for creating difficulties to the people of Qatar, including both the citizens and other residents, some forces also hacked the website of the Qatar News Agency to spread rumors and their false propoganda," said Sheikh Abdulrahman, who also recalled that Saudi Arabia and others wanted to globalise the whole issue while demanding the suspension of Qatar from the Gulf Co-operation Council.

The top QMC official said Saudi Arabia also resorted to the extreme step of expelling Qatari nationals who were performing Umrah, and they included sick patients as well. Qatari students were also told to leave the country, he said while recalling that those who lived in Saudi Arabia and other blockading countries who had sympathies for Qatar and its predicament were prevented from echoing their feelings and sentiments.

The speaker said people there were unable to express themselves against the unjust blockade on Qatar and media, whether it was print, visual, broadcast or even social media were wholly suppressed and could do nothing to oppose the blockade.

However,  Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and the series of sojourns he has made to different destinations across the world since the blockade has a positive effect on Qatar and the country’s leadership has been able to convince others of the real position of Qatar on a number of global and regional issues, he said.

"the Emir's address at the UN General Assembly and later at the Munich Summit have paid rich dividends and the efforts being made by the Foreign Minister have succeeded in mobilising support for the country’s stand.

While reaffirming that Qatar has succeeded in overcoming the blockade effectively in the last nine months, Sheikh Abdulrahman also remembered that the country’s residents rallied solidly behind the Emir’s leadership and proved to the world that the blockade was a total failure.

Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                    05 March 2018                                                                                                                                                                                    (QNA)

Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani met in Al Bahr Palace on Monday with the envoys of the US Secretary of State Gen. (Retd) Anthony Zinni and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Arabian Gulf Affairs, Tim Lenderking, and the accompanying delegation, during their official visit to the Qatar.

During the meeting, they reviewed the strategic relations between Qatar and the US, as well as the regional and int'l developments.

Visiting US delegation also met on Sunday Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al Thani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar.

As per Official news agency of Qatar 'QNA', they discussed the Gulf crisis, Kuwaiti mediation efforts and illegal measures taken by the siege countries against Qatar.

Present on the occasion was Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad al Thani, Secretary of the Emir for Investment Affairs.

Earlier, Gen (Retd) Zinni met Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber al Sabah in Kuwait and discussed the Gulf crisis.

A US State Department source said Zinni and Lenderking's visit to the region was aimed at reaching out to all parties to the Gulf dispute.

The source said Zinni and Lenderking will discuss possible ways to resolve the dispute, as well as discuss arrangements for the next US-Gulf summit.

Brussels                                                                                                                                                                                                05 March 2018                                                                                                                                                                                    (QNA)

Emir of State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani arrived on Monday in Brussels on an official visit to Belgium.

Upon his arrival at Brussels Airport, the Emir and accompanying delegation were received by Pieter De Crem, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade of Belgium,  Abdulrahman bin Mohammed Al Khulaifi, Qatar Ambassador to Belgium and members of the Qatar embassy.

Geneva                                                                                                                                                                                                04 March 2018                                                                                                                                                                                    (MOFA)

Lulwah Rashid Al Khater, the official spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar  has affirmed Qatar's continued welcome to the Kuwaiti mediation to solve the Gulf crisis, while also expressing her hope for a response and interaction of the siege countries with this mediation by taking serious steps to get out of the crisis.

At a press conference held in Geneva, Switzerland, on the sidelines of the Human Rights Council, Al Khater said that affirmation of the siege states that the only way out of this crisis is through Kuwaiti mediation is a good development and progress by the siege countries, stressing that the State of Qatar welcomes Kuwaiti mediation and respects the positive and active role of Emir of the State of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

She added that Emir of State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani was the only leader among the parties of the Gulf crisis who attended the GCC summit in Kuwait in appreciation of Kuwaiti mediation, urging the siege countries to take serious steps and to respond to the Kuwaiti mediation appeals to return to the dialogue table.

She said the siege imposed on the State of Qatar by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt by closing land, sea and air routes is illegal, noting that about 90% of the food and medicine entered Qatar via Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

AlKhater pointed to the expulsion of Qatari students from the universities of the siege countries and the prevention of the citizens of these countries from going to Qatar with some exceptions unless evidence of the presence of relatives and families in Qatar is presented to obtain approval to go to Qatar. She stressed that Qatar did not reciprocate with the siege countries and did not take similar measures, noting the presence of about 200,000 Egyptians working in Qatar, despite the fact the Egypt is one of the siege countries.

She also emphasized that Qatar overcome the economic siege within 48 hours by finding and establishing new and alternative air routes or sea lines through Kuwait, Oman, India, Pakistan and other countries.

Qatar remains the fastest growing economy among the GCC countries despite the siege, she said, noting that Qatar remains the world's first exporter of liquefied natural gas and the second largest exporter of helium gas. Qatar's economy is strong, but its concerns about the Gulf crisis are threefold: human rights violations, regional security, and the insistence of the siege countries to resort to the back-door-policy instead of dealing with diplomatic and political channels, she said.

She pointed out that the siege comes in the context of a series of crises launched by the same parties, referring to a growing polarization in the region by these countries using a sectarian discourse. "We are concerned about the sectarian discourse used in the polarization in the region."

She said that the siege countries were able to destabilize the GCC system, which was considered, especially in the wake of the Arab Spring, as a contributing factor to stability and as the most stable bloc in the region.

Al Khater went on saying that Qatar's concern and main worry lies in the regional security and the repercussions of the siege on it, despite the fact that Qatar has overcome its economic impact. "We are also concerned about the siege countries', especially GCC members, use of the back door tactics, to defame Qatar and damage its image in Western countries," she added pointing that the siege countries departed the diplomatic means and opted for back doors tactics and fanning tribal celebrations that they decided to organize. Al Khater saw a great contradiction between announcing a major reform agenda and adopting a sectarian and tribal discourse, stressing that blocking the diplomatic process is disturbing.

"The plots and attempts to tamper with Qatari currency, in some countries, will be legally addressed by Qatar Central Bank," she said pointing to evidences linking this case to one of the siege countries, a GCC member.

Lulwah Al Khater called for revisiting the report of the technical mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) issued in December 2017, saying that the mission visited the State of Qatar and wanted to visit the siege countries to study their positions, but those countries refused to welcome the mission.

She went on saying that the mission prepared its report and contacted the siege countries again to give their views on the report, but they also refused. "After publishing the report, the siege countries decided to question the mission as well as the integrity and objectivity of the report," she said asking "Why did not the siege countries allow the mission to enter their territories"?

Al Khater said that the technical report has documented 504 cases of violation of the right to education, 1174 cases violations of the right to property and 629 cases of families separation in addition to 1261 cases of suspension and restrictions of freedom of movement and communication, pointing to the existence of 6500 marriages of Qatar citizens and citizens of the siege countries. "These families are now deprived from the right to reunification in one country," she added.

She referred to the contradiction that the siege countries claim to establish free trade zones, while politicize the economic dimension and deprive Qatari businessmen and businesswomen from access to their property and investment, pointing that the National Commission for Compensation documented about 4500 complaints by individuals who are unable to access their investments and property in the siege countries/

The Foreign Ministry's Spokesperson went on saying that the report of the technical mission concluded that the siege targeted the State of Qatar and Qatari citizens, and that the measures taken by the siege countries were unilateral, while Qatar did not reciprocate by imposing similar measures on the citizens of these countries, stressing that the report describes the measures taken against the State of Qatar as an economic war, and described the media discourse in the siege countries to a hate speech against Qatar and Qatari citizens.

"The technical mission, two times, gave the siege countries the opportunity to respond, but they refused to. After publishing the report in December, 2017 the siege countries described it as biased and politicized instead of addressing the issues at hand," she said.

AlKhater said following Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani's speech before the Human Rights Council, the siege countries responded with a statement that does not address the actual violations, describing the violations in the report as a "minor issue" and saying that international community is not concerned with this issue at all.

There is no surprise in the response of the siege countries, given their human rights record not only against Qatari citizens but also against their own citizens, she said.

AlKhater continued by saying it is not surprising because they are not interested in human rights violations against Qatari citizens under the siege. This is normal for them, but for us, any violation against a Qatari citizen is a great deal of importance to us. We are keen and we will seek that every citizen get his rights and receive his appropriate compensation.

She pointed out that the siege countries indicated in their response that this crisis is a diplomatic one caused by Qatar, but the fact is that on June 5, these countries decided to cut ties and close their borders with Qatar, which 90% of its food and medicine imports come through them.

Replying to a question by Spanish news agency, Lulwah Al Khater said that Qatari diplomacy has been very active recently, pointing out in this regard to the US-Qatari dialogue which was held at the end of January in Washington, as well as several tours made by Qatari diplomacy in various continents.

She stressed that the State of Qatar has overcome the siege economically and looks forward to strengthening bilateral relations with all countries, pointing to various agreements signed by the State of Qatar with the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and other countries.

On Qatar's complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the siege countries, she answered a question by Turkish Anadolu Agency saying that the State of Qatar continues to take legal steps in this direction.

She added harm occurred at different levels to individuals, companies and government institutions, and this will be addressed through different channels, explaining that the rights of individuals are pursued by the National Human Rights Committee through a group of lawyers.

With regard to the companies affected by the siege, Lulwah Al Khater said the documentation of the damage is going on but takes time in term of the preparation of documents and evidence collection, stressing that things are moving forward in this regard in what needed to be done by other parties.

Responding to a question by the UAE news agency about why Qatar does not take steps to address concerns and fears of the four countries if it is keen to resolve the crisis, the official spokesman of the Foreign Ministry wished that the siege countries would sit down with Qatar face to face to hold dialogue and civilizational debate to bring these fears to Qatar just as this reporter is sitting down and raising them here.

If the siege countries have observations on Qatar, the State of Qatar has observations on these countries, just as a number of countries in the region such as Lebanon, Yemen and other Arab countries have observations on the siege countries, she added.

Commenting on what the UAE news agency correspondent said regarding what was reported by Al Jazeera news channel, she said if Al Jazeera aired content that some parties do not like, these parties should respond through their media as it is done in civilized countries that have multi-spectrum media. As the siege countries have observations on Al-Jazeera, Qatar also has professional observations on the media of the siege countries, she said, stressing at the same time that she will not defend Al Jazeera. "They (Al Jazeera) are present in the Hall and they can defend themselves if they wish."

She added that every observation and problem must be resolved through natural channels. Observations may be of a political, diplomatic or economic nature and these are resolved through their natural channels. What happened is that in this crisis, diplomatic and political channels were blocked and things were politicized, she said.

She also expressed surprise at the politicization of religion and the use of its figures to attack Qatar, adding that politicization also affected sports and social relations.

Lulwah Al Khater criticized the contradiction in the siege countries' discourse, as they talk locally about Qatar's relations with Iran and to Western audience about Qatar's relationship with terrorism, citing the speech of the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash in a lecture in Britain that the crisis with Qatar has nothing to do with Iran, but with terrorism, asking about the reason behind contradiction between the local and international discourse.

She also asked about the reason why the siege countries have not present a single document to the Kuwaiti mediator or the US side to prove Qatar's support for terrorism, pointing that the State of Qatar has signed counter-terrorism agreements with several countries.

In this respect, she pointed that US, the spearhead of the fight against terrorism, stressed in the joint statement issued by the US-Qatar Strategic Dialogue on January 30, that Qatar is a partner in the fight against terrorism.

She added that even the countries that initially joined the siege quartet by severing diplomatic relations with the State of Qatar, have initiated the resumption of those diplomatic relations, as the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of Chad.

In response to a question by Reuters about the situation in Syria, HE Lulwah Al Khater explained that the State of Qatar has been supporting Geneva 1 since the beginning.

she also voiced Qatar's concern about the military operations in Eastern Ghouta, describing the situation there as catastrophic.

The State of Qatar appealed to all sides to stop military operations and allow aid to reach the Syrian people, she said reminding of Qatar's call for transitional justice. Failure to realize justice means that terrorist groups can find people's grievances a pretext for violence, she added.

She also warned in this context of the return of a new version of ISIS and other extremist groups.

On the peace talks between the Taliban movement and the government of Afghanistan, HE Lulwah Al Khater confirmed that there is nothing currently under way, pointing out that Qatar is always coordinating with the US in this regard.

As for the attempts to deprive Qatar from organizing the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the Foreign Ministry's Spokesperson expressed hope that this is not the purpose of the siege, stressing that Qatar is continuing to build the necessary infrastructure for the World Cup.

She affirmed that the World Cup will be held in Qatar, calling on the international media to come to Qatar and see the progress in of World Cup projects.


Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                    04 March 2018

The online registration portal is now open for high school and university students to sign up for the Sustainability Film Project competition. Launched by ConocoPhillips’ Global Water Sustainability Center (GWSC) and Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC), the competition will showcase diverse viewpoints on a sustainable future, with students working individually or in teams to produce a short video about sustainability.

High school students will compete in one category, while university students will compete in another. Students are challenged to create a 30 – 60 second video, either in English or Arabic, focused on the topic of ‘water and energy conservation’ or ‘a sustainable lifestyle’. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on May 9th, and are eligible to win prizes such as an iPhone X, MacBook, or an iPad mini.

Dr. Samer Adham, Managing Director of GWSC, said: “The students taking part in the Sustainability Film Project are the future of Qatar – we want to encourage them to leverage their creative skills to show the wider community how sustainability can be achieved in our daily lives.”

For this inaugural competition, the entries will be judged by an array of notable academics and professionals.

“Through this competition, we aim to deepen awareness of sustainability in Qatar’s youth. By encouraging them to think critically, we can impart in them a sense of personal responsibility to shape a more sustainable world,” noted Meshal Al-Shamari, Director of QGBC.

The deadline for entries is Sunday, April 22nd. To find out more information – including how to participate – please visit www.qatargbc.org


Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                  04 March 2018

Aspire Zone Foundation (AZF) is putting the finishing touches to the 2nd Aspire International Kite Festival which runs from 06 – 09 March.

Following the enormous success of last year, the annual event will see 23 international teams take part. In addition to Qatar, visiting countries participating this year include: Austria, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. Participating teams are due to arrive in Doha from Monday.

From inception and design to delivery and build, the event has been managed to the very highest international standards by Aspire Zone Foundation’s vastly experienced and multidisciplinary events management experts.

This year’s 2nd Aspire International Kite Festival provides yet further evidence of AZF’s ability to execute the best sports and entertainment events for members of the local community in Qatar.

Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                      28 Feb 2018

As part of the highly anticipated 6th edition of the Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX) taking place between 12 to 14 March 2018 at Qatar National Convention Centre (QNCC), the DIMDEX organising committee has announced the theme of the Middle East Naval Commanders Conference (MENC) - ‘Building Capabilities in Challenging Environments through Visionary International Military Cooperation and Defence Engagement.”

The Middle East Naval Commanders Conference (MENC) taking place on 13th March, is one of the key elements of DIMDEX. It offers deep insights from prominent leaders and experts, who share their experiences and knowledge on the geopolitical trends that affect the maritime sector on a strategic, operational and security level. The conference is for thought-leaders and offers a comprehensive summary of the factors affecting the prospects for international navies and militaries, as well as the military and maritime industry in the region.

Brig. (Sea) Tariq Al-Obaidli, the Panel Chairman of MENC 2018, stated that “This year’s MENC theme has particular relevance to Qatar as we embark on a major program of maritime capability enhancement and transition from a Gulf Centric Brown-Water Navy into a globally influential and internationally engaged Blue-Water Navy.”

“MENC promotes international military collaboration and exchange, with the vision of accomplishing regional and international peace and security,” said Staff Brig. (Sea) Abdulbaqi S. Al-Ansari, Chairman of DIMDEX. “Over the years, MENC has been bringing together leading defense experts to discuss strategic topics that affect security in the region and beyond, through a united vision.”

Staff Brig. (Sea) Al-Ansari added, “This year’s theme will allow panelists to share their practical experience of building defense and military capabilities in the challenging environment of the Arabian Gulf, the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea.”

MENC Panellists and speakers will feature Chiefs of Navies and other top-level officials such as fleet commanders, defence and academic experts who will discuss regional and international cases and other countries’ experiences in the defence and maritime sector and make suggestions on military collaboration and communication from a military and non-military perspective, exploring modern mechanisms and different ideas.

DIMDEX 2018 will be held under the patronage of Emir of State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, and hosted and organised by Qatar Armed Forces.

Islamabad                                                                                                                                                                                            03 March 2018                                                                                                                                                                                    (Daily The Nation)

Eleven of the 23 independent candidates backed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) have been elected to the seats in Punjab.

The elction began at 0900 AM across the four provincial assemblies and National Assembly.

Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq cast the first vote followed by Minister for Defense Production Rana Tanveer and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad.

Other prominent members who have so far cast their vote, PM Khaqqan Abbasi, Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination Riaz Pirzada, and Minister of State for Finance Rana Afzal Khan and CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, CM Balochistan Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo, CM Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah and CM KP Pervaiz Khattak.

PM Khaqqan Abbasi:

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on Saturday rejected allegations of opposition parties about horse trading in Senate elections.

State Minister for Information Marriyum Aurrangzeb while speaking to media said, "People always welcome ex-prime minister Nawaz Sharif wherever he goes. An elected PM was removed on the basis of Iqama. No evidence was found against Nawaz Sharif. He can be removed from the seat but not from his voters hearts."

Marriyum further predicted that PML-N will emerge as winner in today’s polls.

She strongly criticized Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf’s chairman Imran Khan by saying that he is accusing his own party members of corruption.

Chaudary Nisar Ali Khan:

MNA Ch Nisar cast his vote in the NA.

Speaking to media he said, “If Horse-Trading is taking place then the authorities should take action against it.”

He further said “I have never been at the back foot. I've not attended any of the party meetings since the past 4 years due to issues in the party.”

Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah:

Opposition Leader of Pakistan Peoples Party Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah has cast his vote.

Speaking to media he said, “All speculations against the government not completing its tenure have failed, today democracy has become stronger. It’s sad that many political friends will not be there in the future but politics cannot stop.”

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari:

Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari in a tweet congratulated the democrats. He also said that ongoing Senate elections are a step forward for Pakistan’s ‘young democracy’. Regarding Nawaz Sharif he said, “Public is least concerned why Nawaz Sharif was ousted as they want an end to poverty and terrorism.”

He also said that PPP would succeed in the upcoming general elections.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi:

MNA and Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf’s leader Shah Mehmood Qureshi told the media said that "We know Horse-Trading is taking place and PTI is against it." He also said that Imran Khan won't be casting his vote due to someother commitment.

Ahsan Iqbal:

Talking to media persons in Islamabad today, Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal said Senate elections is yet another milestone in the democratic process.

He said conspiracy theories of failed politicians about Senate elections have vanished.

He regretted that decisions are being given against one man and target killing of one party is continuing. Nawaz Sharif has been disqualified but PML-N could not be disqualified, he added.

He furhter said that PML-N has no program to go for any clash. It does not want confrontation among national institutions.

He underlined that decisions made by Pervez Musharraf are protected and on the other hand we are facing humiliation all over the world due to decisions against Nawaz Sharif.

Pir Muhammad Amin Ul Hasnat Shah:

Minister of State for Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony Pir Muhammad Amin Ul Hasnat Shah said polling for Senate  is underway in a peaceful environment and whatever the decision is it will be accepted.

Siraj Ul Haq:

Ameer of Jamat –e-Islami Siraj ul Haq while speaking to media he said that elections in Pakistan had become a game of money, whether it is general elections or today’s Senate elections . You can see that only people with money are in the run because they can buy their nominations.

He was of the opinion that in the case of FATA it was nothing but money game, which does not let the true representatives of the people come to the Assemblies. To a question about how to stop this practice, he said that it is always the supervisors who ensure fair or unfair practice in the examination hall. You can equate elections to examinations so from the regulator to the supervisor (that is election commission and its staff) should devise means to prevent such practices in Pakistan.

Answering another question he said Ch Sarwar of PTI had approached JI asking for support in the Senate elections and the Jamaat had agreed to it.

He hoped the Senate elections will bring about some form of stability and help the democratic rule in Pakistan.

Farooq Sattar:

Farooq Sattar of MQM PIB’s has said that MQM was passing through trial time for some time however we were in contact With Bahadur-Abad group and we have reached an agreement on one point agenda. We will sort out other issues likewise in near future.
He further said that we have not just agreed on seat adjustment in Senate elections but also made agreements on various other issues as well.
Farooq Sattar has strongly rejected the impression about him of being a biased, egomaniac sort of person. He clarified that I being a party head deserve to be honored and respected by the party members.
He insisted that a line must be drawn between a powerful and a powerless party head. Our members belong to middle class faction of the society and the shine of money can never blind them. Allah knows what is hidden in the core of people’s hearts and soul.

Ejaz Ul Haq:

Pakistan Muslim League-Zia Chief Ijaz-ul-Haq said Senate elections is a giant step towards strengthening of democracy.

Doha                                                                                                                                                                                                  01 March 2018

Vodafone Qatar announced today the all-new Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ will be available to pre-order online at www.Vodafone.qa/S9 starting from now till the 10th of March. Stocks are limited and pre-orders are fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t miss your chance to be among the first in the Qatar to own the new smartphones that reimagine the way we communicate, share and experience the world. 

The latest addition to Samsung’s Galaxy smartphone lineup is built on the best-in-class Galaxy Foundation of design innovation and cutting-edge technology. Made for the way we increasingly communicate and express ourselves more with images, videos and emojis, the Galaxy S9 and S9+ drive innovation with Samsung’s most advanced camera ever. Redesigned with a new dual aperture lens that powers an innovative low light camera technology, Super Slow-mo video capabilities and personalized AR Emoji, the Galaxy S9 and S9+ ensure you never miss a moment and make your everyday epic. 

Diego Camberos, Commercial Director, Vodafone Qatar said “We’re excited to add yet another outstanding Samsung device to our world class range of smartphones. The Samsung S9 and S9+ are the perfect devices to document and share experiences no matter where you are or what you are doing.” 

Speaking about the soon-to-be-available Galaxy S9 and S9+, Tarek Sabbagh, Head of IT and Mobile (IM) Division at Samsung Electronics Gulf said: “We are extremely excited to be partnering with Vodafone Qatar to make the Galaxy S9 and S9+ available for pre-order. With the option to pre-order, we are inviting customers to share in our excitement to introduce our newest iteration of the Galaxy S series. Samsung users hold us to a high standard for innovation, and we are thrilled to exceed their expectations with this next generation of Galaxy devices, that reimagines the camera and redefines the way you share your moments.” 

Customers pre-ordering the Galaxy S9 or S9+, will also receive a complimentary AKG headphone worth QR 699 plus a Promate 10000mAh Power Bank. If that wasn’t enough, Vodafone Qatar is offering up to 24 GB of data with every device purchased. 

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