Doha, 30 March 2021 (QP)
Qatar Petroleum has announced that it will not be renewing the Qatargas Liquefied Natural Gas CompanyLimited (QG1)joint venture upon the expiry of the relevant agreements on 31 December2021. As a result, Qatar Petroleum will become the sole owner of 100% of the QG1 assets and facilities on 1 January 2022.
Established in 1984, QG1 is a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and affiliates of Total, ExxonMobil, Marubeni and Mitsui.QG1 was the pioneering LNG project to be developed in Qatar, whosesuccess has paved the way for the development of Qatar’s LNG industry,leading to where it stands today.
Commenting on this announcement, His Excellency Mr. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said, “The takeover by Qatar Petroleum will conclude more than 25 years of successful operations of QG1, from which the first ever Qatari LNG cargo was exported. This is a momentous event that highlights Qatar Petroleum’s efforts to further enhance the utilization of our natural resources for the benefit of our country and its current and future generations as well as to continue serving the world’s need for cleaner energy.”
His Excellency Minister Al-Kaabi added, “I would like to thank our valued partners, Total, ExxonMobil, Marubeni and Mitsui for their efforts in the development and operation of QG1 over the past three decades.Each one of them has played an instrumental role in the success of QG1. In particular, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation toTotal, for being a foundation shareholder from inception and for their valuable contributions throughout this journey; to ExxonMobil, for stepping in at a critical juncture of the project and leveraging their experience to help making the project a reality; and to Mitsui and Marubeni for their valuable contributions in securing anchor offtakes for the project and for their great support during the early phases.Thanks, and appreciation are also due to Chubu Electric, QG1’s foundation customer, for their key role in anchoring this project as the primary LNG buyer as well as to the other Japanese buyers and,of course, the country of Japan as a whole. Furthermore, I would also like to sincerely thank QatarGas operating company leadership and employees for their excellent work and dedication that made this company a success over the last 24 years”
His Excellency Minister Al-Kaabi concludedhis remarks by saying, “This event marks the start of the next chapter in QG1’s history, which we hope and believe will be even more successful than the last chapter, and we look forward to serving our customers for the next three decades from this world-class asset.”
With a production capacity of approximately 10 million tons per annum of LNG,QG1 facilities will continue to be operated by Qatargas on behalf of Qatar Petroleum and will play an important role in supplying LNG to the world’s markets in a safe and reliable manner.
Ankara, 30 March 2021 (Anadolu News)
The Heart of Asia – Istanbul Process member nations said on Tuesday they support the ongoing efforts for the peace process and the continuation of the negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
“We acknowledge that long-term stability and prosperity in the region require peace and security in Afghanistan, and therefore the region, as well as the international community, has a shared responsibility and common interest to work together for promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region as a whole,” said a declaration signed after a Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process meeting of foreign ministers held in Tajikistan’s capital Dushanbe.
While recognizing the importance and contributions of neighboring countries and regional and international partners, the declaration called upon them to maximize their efforts for the success of the peace process.
It welcomed the diplomatic efforts by all countries, including the ongoing negotiations in Doha, the Moscow Troika plus meeting, and preparations for a high-level meeting in Turkey.
“We recognize that a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire will enable all sides to reach an agreement on a political settlement, and in this regard, we affirm that any political settlement must protect the rights of all Afghans, including women, youth, and minorities,” it said.
Emphasizing the need for an immediate, permanent and comprehensive cease-fire, the Dushanbe Declaration underlined the importance of resuming meaningful peace negotiations and full respect for International Humanitarian Law.
It strongly condemned the continuing violence in Afghanistan, especially the high number of civilian causalities and deliberate targeting of civil service employees, civil society activists, human rights defenders, journalists, and media workers by the Taliban and terrorist groups.
Regarding the continued relations between the Taliban and international terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, it reaffirmed the importance of ensuring that the territory of Afghanistan is not used as safe havens for any terrorist groups or foreign terrorist entities.
“We reiterate our resolve to work together to prevent and suppress terrorist acts through increased regional and international solidarity and cooperation,” it said and called for the regional and international cooperation to ensure the dismantling of the terrorist sanctuaries and safe havens, preventing and interdicting the movement of terrorists and terrorist groups.
On counter-narcotics efforts, the declaration said that drug trafficking and illicit drug trade pose a threat to the socio-economic development, security, and stability not only in Afghanistan but also in the surrounding region.
Commending countries in the region and beyond for their hospitality and support in hosting millions of Afghan refugees for four decades, it called for creating conducive conditions in Afghanistan for voluntary, safe, dignified, and sustainable repatriation of the refugees.
It urged the international community to continue to assist host countries in taking care of the essential needs of Afghan refugees and to provide support to the repatriation and reintegration efforts by the Afghan government and targeted assistance for their voluntary, safe and dignified repatriation and their sustainable reintegration in Afghanistan, with emphasis on youth, education, and livelihoods.
Appreciating the long-term partnership and commitment of the international community for supporting Afghanistan, the declaration stressed the need for further advancing regional economic cooperation as an effective means to achieve lasting peace, stability, and economic prosperity in Afghanistan.
The declaration was adopted by the foreign ministers and high-level representatives of the participating countries, including Turkey, China, Russia, and Pakistan.
Moscow/Kabul, 30 March 2021 (Anadolu News)
Following US President Joe Biden's suggestions about a possible delay in the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan under the Doha agreement, the Taliban warned that it will launch its annual spring offensive.
Mohammad Naeem, the spokesman for the Taliban’s political office in Qatar and a member of its negotiation team, spoke in an interview with Anadolu Agency about the Taliban's vision of the current situation and future of the Afghan peace process.
AA: At a news conference in Moscow, you didn’t rule out the possibility of launching the spring offensive if the US does not withdraw its troops. But in this case, Afghans will die. Why should Afghans pay for the US failure to fulfill its obligations?
Mohammad Naeem: Yes, we have said this in Moscow, and we have issued a new statement. If foreign forces do not leave our country, freedom and independence are the demand of our people. All nations are sacrificing for their freedom. We are representing our people. We have been fighting against foreign forces for the last 20 years, and it is the right of the people to defend their freedom, values, and independence. In fact, freedom has a very high price. Sacrificing for it is the most important thing in the history of nations and is considered an honor.
AA: Does the agreement between the US and the Taliban suggest a possible termination before the fulfillment of its terms by the will of one side or by mutual agreement? If so, what are the conditions of the termination? What are the consequences?
MN: There is no specific condition for the cancellation of the agreement made in Doha. But of course, if either side does not abide by its obligations, it means breaking the agreement itself, and such are conditions. Both we and the Americans wanted to end this war. Ending the war was the common goal, so there was no need to start the war again. But now that the other side is not adhering to it or showing such signs, it is their problem. Otherwise, in the beginning, everyone wanted to end the war imposed on our nation, wanted our nation to be at peace and our country to be free.
AA: What would you say to the concerns that the US troops' withdrawal will weaken the Afghan army and will make it easy prey for the Taliban? Can you guarantee that you won’t resume hostilities after the US troops withdraw?
MN: In fact, there is no need for foreign forces in Afghanistan. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is the real and true representative of the Afghan people. The important thing is the peace of the people, the independence and freedom of the country. [Once] the foreign forces leave, then the internal matters would be resolved by the Islamic Emirate and other political parties among them, as is the case in Doha, and we hope that the Afghans will reach a solution at the negotiation table.
The fact is that with the arrival of foreign forces, they have not reduced the war but increased it. Their presence is the cause of the war. If they leave Afghanistan, one of the causes of the war will be eliminated, one side of the war will weaken and eventually, the war will end.
AA: Are you ready to wait for the US troops' withdrawal until November?
MN: The withdrawal of foreign forces has been finalized in the [Doha] agreement. The United States has signed the agreement. It has been ratified by the United Nations, the neighbors, and regional countries. It [the withdrawal] is outlined in it [the agreement]. Now they [the US] change their position, so if they did not stand by their first words, what can guarantee that they would adhere to their second words, commitment?
AA: What are you going to put on the agenda of the Istanbul meeting? What will be your main demands?
MN: We do not yet have detailed information about the conference in Turkey. This issue is under discussion, and our main demand will be the withdrawal of foreign troops on the set date, as agreed in the [Doha] agreement, so that our country becomes independent. Our main demands will be that the future system in Afghanistan has to be Islamic, based on the principles of Islam, that we should have a strong, stable, and inclusive Afghan system that can respond to the problems of its people and ensure their security.
AA: Which countries or political forces would you like to see at the negotiation table?
MN: The discussions about the foreign forces have been resolved on the table. The last 20 years of war in Afghanistan had two dimensions -- an external dimension and an internal dimension. The external dimension was resolved under the Doha agreement. Basically, foreigners will leave Afghanistan. Now we have entered the internal dimension. We are negotiating to solve it. Our arms are open. If anyone comes from the internal dimension, we will talk to them, of course in our internal negotiations. There is no need for foreign forces to intervene.
AA: Do you think Iran should play a more active role in the Afghan settlement?
MN: Our hope is that all our neighbors, the countries of the region and the countries of the world play a positive role in Afghanistan and work with the people of Afghanistan to achieve independence and freedom. It is our request from all countries, our neighbors, the region, and the world to contribute to the stability of Afghanistan, to the establishment of a strong and stable system as much as they can.
AA: Do you think it is necessary to invite the leaders of Pashto tribes from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan to the meetings on the Afghan settlement?
MN: The problem of Afghanistan, as we have said before, is currently being discussed in intra-Afghan talks. There is a discussion going on in this regard. Our hope is that the problems will be resolved as a result of the intra-Afghan talks. It is not an ethnic or tribal issue for which ethnic or tribal leaders should come to resolve. We hope that the ongoing efforts will bring out a solution.
AA: Is the Taliban ready to compromise on the idea of the Islamic Emirate’s restoration in Afghanistan?
MN: What the future system will look like, what its nature will be, these are the topics at the table. We want to reach a consensus at the table on this. Of course, there is no doubt that the future system will be an Islamic system. Be that as it may, our nation has sacrificed 40 years for this. Up to 99% of the people in Afghanistan are Muslim, and according to all international principles, every society, every country, every nation forms a government in line with its values. In light of this, it will be based on their [people of the country] beliefs and principles, so it is the inalienable right of the Afghan people to have an Islamic system, the nature of which will be decided at the intra-Afghan negotiations.
AA: What is your idea of the Afghan peace settlement? How do you imagine the future government? Who will be the head of the country? What will this position be called? What about parliament and other state institutions?
MN: As I said before, the future of the system is at the top of the negotiation agenda. As a result of the intra-Afghan talks, there will be discussions, understandings, and decisions -- what the system will be like, what its nature will be, what form to take, what institutions will be formed, and how their work will be organized. All these issues will be raised at the negotiation table.
AA: What about human rights? Will Afghan women have equal rights with men?
MN: On the issue of human and women's rights as a whole, the holy religion of Islam, which has given rights to men and women more than any other religion or system, so the future Islamic system that will come in Afghanistan will abide by all those principles and will consider it as a responsibility to grant it to the men, women, elderly, children, and the youth.
Tehran, 27 March 2021 (Bloomberg News)
China and Iran signed an overarching deal aimed at charting the course of their economic, political and trade relations over the next 25 years. The Chinese government plans to invest in Iran and buy oil from the Islamic Republic, further straining ties with the U.S. already frayed by China’s imports of covertly-shipped Iranian crude.
Beijing’s alliance with Tehran is a challenge to U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration as it sets about trying to rally allies against China, which Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said is the world’s “greatest geopolitical test.”
“The document can elevate bilateral ties to a new strategic level,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a televised interview. The deal focuses on boosting private-sector collaboration and Iran’s role in Xi’s flagship infrastructure and investment program, the Belt and Road Initiative, he said.
However, the pact drew criticism from many Iranians on social media who accused President Hassan Rouhani’s government of “selling” Iran to China, prompting several of his aides to defend the deal on Twitter.
A draft copy of the accord that surfaced on media last year showed plans for long-term supply of Iranian crude to China as well as investment in oil, gas, petrochemical, renewables and nuclear energy infrastructure.
Lured by the prospect of cheaper prices, China has already increased its imports of Iranian oil to around 1 million barrels a day, eroding U.S. leverage as it prepares to enter stalled talks with Tehran to revive a nuclear deal.
The Biden administration has indicated that it’s open to reengaging with Iran after then-President Donald Trump abandoned the accord nearly three years ago and reimposed economic sanctions, but the two sides have yet to even agree to meet. Iran exported around 2.5 million barrels of oil a day before American penalties resumed.
Iran’s closer integration with China may help shore up its economy against the impact of the U.S. sanctions, while sending a clear signal to the White House of Tehran’s intentions. Wang Yi, who arrived in Tehran on Friday, also met with Rouhani to discuss the nuclear deal.
In a televised speech, Rouhani raised the prospect of restrictions being eased before the end of his second and final term as president in early August.
“We’re ready for the lifting of sanctions,” he said on Saturday. “If obstacles are removed, all or at least some sanctions can be lifted.”
Beijing, 25 march 2021 (Xinhua News)
Chinese and European Union negotiation departments are carrying out a necessary legal review of the China-EU investment agreement, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said on Thursday.
The investment treaty is in the interests of both sides and will benefit the world, MOC spokesperson Gao Feng said at a press briefing.
Following 35 rounds of negotiations in the course of seven years, China and the EU completed negotiations for the investment agreement by the end of last year.
Doha, 25 March 2021 (Qatar Tribune)
By Ashraf Siddiqui
There is great potential for cooperation in agriculture sector between Qatar and Hungary, Hungarian Ambassador to Qatar HE Fodor Barnabas has said.
The ambassador lauded Qatar for hosting the International Agricultural Exhibition (AgriteQ) 2021 despite the current circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. AgriteQ, he noted, can help promote Hungarian agricultural products and services in Qatar.
Talking to Qatar Tribune in an exclusive interview, he said, “This is the first time we have participated in AgriteQ. The exhibition is an excellent opportunity for business professionals and companies to display their latest products and innovations in agriculture and farming. Besides, the expo helps professionals meet prospective partners and explore the large market in Qatar.”
He said a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in agriculture and environmental protection between the two countries is in its final stage.
“Qatar offers a great opportunity to Hungary in the field of agriculture, especially in the technology to boost agricultural output. By taking part in this event, we are able to see many agricultural products from various countries. Also, this expo is an excellent platform for raising awareness of environmental issues,” he said.
The National Export Strategy Programme (NEXT) of the Hungarian government offers support to outstanding exporters to enter new markets. Eight well-established companies from Hungary are represented in this expo,” the ambassador informed.
On bilateral relations, the envoy said ties between Hungary and Qatar are historically good. “It is based on mutual respect, understanding joint interests and refraining from interfering in the domestic affairs of each other. The two countries have shown great commitment to opening up newer channels of cooperation. Political relations between them serve as a good basis for economic, investment, cultural and scientific cooperation, and we are exerting great efforts to give further impetus to them.”
The ambassador also expressed his strong interest in developing a partnership in LNG as “Qatar is the largest player in this field with extensive experience and is a very reliable supplier”.
Barnabas said he is looking forward to solidifying the bilateral relations by planning high-level visits between both countries as soon as the COVID-19 situation improves.
“We are happy to welcome the national football team of Qatar to Hungary, where they play preparatory matches with their European counterparts. This makes a direct connection between Hungary and Qatar as the host nation of the FIFA 2022 World Cup,” he said.
Doha, 22 March 2021 (QP)
Qatar Petroleum - China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) sign today 10 year LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) for supply of 2 million tons per annum (MTPA) of LNG to the People's Republic of China.
The SPA was signed by Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, and Zhang Yuzhuo, the Chairman of Sinopec Group, during a virtual ceremony attended by senior officials from both sides.
Under the agreement, LNG deliveries will commence in January 2022, and will be delivered to Sinopec’s LNG terminals in China. This SPA further demonstrates the State of Qatar’s continued commitment to meeting the growing energy demand of its customers globally in the form of reliable long term LNG supplies.
Commenting on this occasion, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, Minister of State for Energy Affairs, the President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said, “In a step that will further solidify the excellent bilateral relations between the People’s Republic of China and the State of Qatar, we are delighted to enter into this historic long term LNG SPA. We are also proud of the fact that this agreement will be Sinopec’s first long term LNG SPA from Qatar, and we are hopeful that it will mark the start of a long and fruitful partnership with Sinopec. Our LNG relationship with China dates back to 2009, when we started supplying LNG through a host of LNG SPAs with a number of our valued Chinese partners. This SPA will further supplement Qatar’s contribution in meeting China's growing energy needs and we look forward to commencing deliveries under the agreement."
He said “This SPA also illustrates our position in the market as a reliable and trust-worthy LNG supplier, and we are grateful to all our customers around the world who select us as their LNG supplier of choice.”
Zhang Yuzhuo, Chairman of Sinopec Group, said, “Sinopec has been a strong advocate for cleaner and greener development. The signing of the long term LNG SPA with Qatar Petroleum is a further step by Sinopec to deliver its commitment to sustainability while meeting the growing needs of the Chinese market. We believe achieving carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality are responsibilities of the energy industry and call for transformation. We are proud to team up with Qatar Petroleum, one of the premier suppliers in the industry, to supply cleaner energy to China. We are also excited to begin a new journey of more comprehensive cooperation with Qatar Petroleum in the years to come.”
Khalid bin Khalifa Al Thani, CEO of Qatargas, commented on the new SPA: “This landmark agreement comes as a boost to the existing relationship with our Chinese customers. As the World’s Premier LNG Company, Qatargas is committed to meeting the clean energy needs of customers around the globe who depend on reliable LNG deliveries.”
Since the first LNG delivery in September 2009 to date, Qatar has supplied China with more than 62 million tons of LNG. China is a key and strategic energy partner for the State of Qatar throughout the entire energy value chain. It is also a main driver of the growth in the global LNG market as the government adopts increasingly progressive environmental policies.
Doha, 23 March 2021 (Qatar Tribune)
By Ashraf Siddiqui
The Qatar and Tajikistan Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic, Trade and Technical Cooperation meeting will be held in Doha in May this year, Ambassador of Tajikistan to Qatar HE Khisrav Sohibzoda has said.
The envoy said the Tajik delegation would be headed by Minister of Economic Development and Trade, while the Qatar delegation will be led by the Minister of Trade and Industry.
Talking to media after a briefing on his country’s priorities as President of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for the year 2021, Ambassador Sohibzoda lauded the strong relations between Qatar and Tajikistan in all spheres, adding that everyone in Tajikistan is waiting for the visit of the Amir His Highness
Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, for which the dates are under consideration. He said that Tajikistan will be celebrating Qatari culture day this year.
The media briefing was attended by ambassadors of the member states of SCO and other cooperating countries, including Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Moldova and Belarus.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a Eurasian political, economic and security alliance, which was signed in June 2002 among its members China, Russia, Pakistan, India, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
The SCO also has four Observer States of Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia and six Dialogue Partners -- Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka.
On his country’s priority during the SCO presidency, the envoy cited the following: Pursuance of constructive policy; maintaining peace, security and stability; adoption of joint measures to overcome socioeconomic challenges, combating pandemic threats; development of cooperation in areas of justice, education, culture, science, sports and tourism; continuation of practice holding highlevel joint events of cooperation between SCO and the UN and its various agencies.
He said SCO and Afghanistan, since the beginning of the establishment of SCO in 2002, have a Contact Group to work closely in economic and social development sectors.
He said that on March 30, Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process conference will be held at the foreign ministers’ level in Dushanbe, the Tajik Capital. The conference will focus on economic and social development support for Afghanistan, transport, culture and combating terrorism and extremism.
He said Qatar is highly respected as an established peacemaker in the world by providing platforms to various countries to solve their conflicts through peaceful dialogues. He added that Tajikistan, a neighbouring country to Afghanistan, fully supports Doha Peace Dialogues among the Afghan factions to bring peace and
security in Afghanistan as well as to the region.
Sohibzoda said Qatar enjoys close relations with all SCO member states, stressing that Qatar as a regional economic leader can play a strong role along with SCO in its economic development program.
Islamabad, 20 March 2021
Official News Agency of Pakistan, Associated Press of Pakistan reported today that Prime Minister Imran Khan was tested positive for COVID-19 and isolated himself at his home, his Special Assistant on Health Dr Faisal Sultan said.
“PM Imran Khan has tested positive for Covid-19 and is self isolating at home,” Faisal Sultan announced on Twitter.
On Thursday, the prime minister had got his COVID jab and had appealed the people to continue exercising precaution in view of the third wave of the pandemic.
The prime minister was having mild symptoms with a light fever and cough. He also prayed for his early recovery, Special Assistant to PM Shahbaz Gill said on Twitter.
It was noticed from the outbreak of Covid-19, Prime Minister Imran Khan took it very lightly and even recently on his visit to Sri Lanka on arrival to meet his counterpart, he was the only one seen holding his facemask in his hand without covering his face received by his host who along with his cabinet members were seen following the SOPs.
Prime Minister Imran Khan got his first dose of Covid-19 Vaccine two days before.
220m population of Pakistan is facing serious challenges from the pandemic covid-19, China has donated one million Sinopharm doses in two installments.
Doha, 19 March 2021 (Qatar Tribune)
By Ashraf Siddiqui
Minister of Internal Affairs of Moldova Pavel Voicu has thanked Prime Minister and Minister of Interior HE Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz Al Thani for inviting him to attend the just concluded international exhibition on homeland security and civil defence (Milipol Qatar 2021).
In an interview with Qatar Tribune, the Moldovan minister said, “We Moldovans pay great respect and importance to the protocol and restrictions recommended by the World Health Organization on COVID-19, and strictly follow the directives. However, it was also very important to stand with the friends. Therefore, in spite of the pandemic restrictions, Moldovan delegation decided to participate in the event.”
He expressed his appreciation of Qatar for holding a successful homeland security exhibition and seminars despite the COVID-19 times, stressing it shows the importance of security and safety of not only the people of Qatar, but also the people of the region.
He praised the government and people of Qatar for supplying around 8.5 tonnes of medical and health protective equipment to Moldova to combat COVID-19 in difficult times.
He admired Qatar for extending support to many countries in such a situation.
The Moldovan minister said his delegation had the opportunity to meet the participating delegates and the host country’s authorities to exchange experiences and to explore areas of cooperation.
“Milipol Qatar provided a platform for us to update ourselves about the latest technology and equipment available in the area of homeland security and civil defence,” he said.
Voicu said he had a fruitful meeting with the prime minister about the possibilities of further cooperation between Qatar and Moldovan, hoping to see a new page in future relationship of the two countries.
He said although Moldova does not have internal safety and security issues, he briefed the prime minister about various challenges the Moldovan government is facing through its borders and the challenges arising from COVID-19 pandemic.
The minister said he had requested the PM to extend help in obtaining the vaccine to Moldova. He said he also discussed the possibility of having a study and economic feasibility to build air link between Doha and Chisinau.