Zaranj (Afghanistan), 06 August 2021
Pakistani major media outlets and international media reported today fall of Capital city Zaranj of Province Nimroz in the hands of the Taliban forces on Friday, as the first provincial capital now under control of Taliban. It is near to the Iran borders in Southwest of Afghanistan.
Taliban forces have taken dozens of districts in recent months after the withdrawal of invading forces. US-Taliban signed an international peace agreement at Doha, Qatar in February 2020 where US and NATO forces to withdraw completely from Afghanistan by 1st of May 2021, however, US President after taking over his post announced complete withdrawal of allied forces from Afghanistan before 9th of September this year.
It is learned that Taliban forces have increased their pressure on several other provincial capital cities including Herat in West and Kandhar in South of the country.
Meanwhile, Taliban Spokesperson Suhail Shaheen through a press statement said that Taliban are committed to freedom of speech and protection of impartial journalists, whether freelance or affiliated with private media outlets, and their activities. They are needed in a new Afghanistan. The policy is clear in this regard. I don't know whether Kabul Administration journalists fall under this category.
Taliban has also released a statement for media saying that 'The Directorate of Public Works of the Military Commission informs all construction companies and organizations to carry out their activities with full confidence and efforts in the reconstruction of the country. It has assured of their full support and in this regard has asked the organizations, companies and the NGOs to contact for any help through Email : OR Whatsapp: 0093 7083 29870.
In another statement released today, it says that Kabul Administration has bombarded civilian properties in city of Lashkargah, Hilmand province and in the outskirts of Badpash district of the Laghman province damaging civilian properties and killing of large livestock.
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