26 Nov 2018
The International Traffic Safety Conference held in Doha where the participating experts guest speakers from different regions of the world discussed various topics related to road safety in the State of Qatar.
The session under the theme “Education and Road Safety” highlighted the importance of road safety education to all sectors of the community. Among speakers included Dr. Ebtisam Naji, National Traffic Safety Committee, Dr. Abdul Nasser Fakhru, Qatar Univesty, Fatima Al Hajri, Qatar University Arts and Science College, Eman Al Mohannadi, Ministry of Eduction and Higher Education and Lulua Al Kubaisi from Al Khor Primary School for Girls.
Dr. Ebtisam Naji spoke on “Qatar's Pioneering Experience in the Field of Education and Traffic Education for School Students. Pointing to the mission of the National Traffic Safety Committee she told that the committee is responsible for drawing up the general policy of traffic and developing plans that develop traffic system in the country in all its technical, educational, organizational, legislative and medical aspects in cooperation with public and private national institutions.
She said that since the inception of NTSC a special committee was formed which prepares an educational framework for traffic safety and to develop a policy to teach traffic safety in schools in both short and long terms periods which is in the belief that teaching young people concepts and principles of traffic safety is the fastest way to reduce traffic accidents and deaths, as well as to prepare a generation aware of the importance of maintaining the safety of themselves and the safety of the properties of their country. The sector of education is the largest sectors of the state, which includes many segments of society, such as student, teacher, principle, bus driver, drivers and parents. Qatar's road safety education policy includes educating all to help community members play their respective roles in traffic safety with better use of transport network facilities, develop a clear national policy on road safety education and provide supporting materials to do so, incorporating traffic safety concepts in all subjects in an integrative manner and they should not be assigned an independent stake or approach, ensure that children receive training in road safety outside schools, involving parents, community groups and government agencies in promoting education in road safety, among others.
Fatema Al Hajiri in her speech on “the reckless behaviors of motorists and their relationship to traffic crashes in Qatar” pointed to the reasons of why youth and especially underage people drive without a driving license and do reckless. actions which leads in many cases to different types of accidents.
Speaking on the “most successful alternative race circuit for youth in Qatar” Abdul Nasser Fakhru said that young people have their own needs and hobbies that the community may face. Parents also want to force their children to learn what they have learned and then young people begin to unleash their energies to prove themselves, through racing and buying sports cars which contributes to the waste of efforts in the field of traffic safety and control of the road.
Eman Al Mohannadi told that in order to preserve society and its resources, the State of Qatar focuses on traffic safety as it is important. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education plays a big role and a clear contribution to the awareness of students and the support of parents in order to reduce the loss of the precious human resources of the state.
Introducing “Smart Bus” Lulua Al Kubaisi told that the State of Qatar is working hard to develop its education system to match the best systems in the word. Accordingly, all the security and safety standards on the school buses are supposed to be pleasant from home to school and vice versa.
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