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Kashmir Solidarity Day Mark Around The World

M Ashraf Siddiqui

Islamabad, 05 Feb. 2023

By Altaf Hamid RAO
23 millions people of Jammu and Kashmir across the world mark the Kashmir Solidarity Day with their 220 millions Pakistani brethren renewing their commitment to the just cause of Kashmir and its continuity to the achievement of their goal of accession of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan; the observance of this Day symbolizes Kashmiris unswerving faith in the truthfulness of their mission which issues forth from the principles of June 3rd 1947 tripartite meeting in Delhi under the chairmanship of Lord Mountbatten Governor General of British India known as the Indian subcontinental partition principles defining meeting; attendees were All India Muslim League President Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, All India Congress President Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, and Sikh Community leader Sardar Baldev Singh;
In this epochal meeting were decided the principles for partition of Indian subcontinent into two states Pakistan and Hindustan; Muslim majority regions constituted Pakistan and Hindu majority areas formed Hindustan. This principle was and is quite unambiguous; it is exactly according to this principle that the state of Jammu and Kashmir being Muslim majority state becomes a natural part of Pakistan; but in violation of this accepted principle India made a military aggression against the state when she airlifted and dropped her troops at Srinagar airport on October 27, 1947 and occupied a bulk part of the state; it is a sheer violation and aggression on the part of India; however it entitles the people of Jammu and Kashmir to free their homeland from Indian occupation and to accede as per Partition principles to Pakistan;
Kashmiris are suffering colossal human and property sacrifices in the way of their liberation struggle since October 1947. Thus far over five million Kashmiris have laid down their lives in their struggle; millions had had to migrate to Pakistan first in 1947-48, then in 1965, again then in 1989 phases of their freedom movement;
Kashmir Solidarity Day was first  initiated in 1975  by then Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali  Bhutto regime against the forced and socalled Indira~Sheikh Abdullah accord and then Jamaat Islami of Pakistan in 1990, later adopted by the government and the whole people of Pakistan as their annual expression of standing by the people of Jammu and Kashmir; this Day is marked by Kashmiris across the globe; on this Day both Kashmiris and Pakistanis form human hands chain as a symbol of their togetherness; rallies, open public gatherings, singing of liberation anthems, youth march pasts, banners hoistings and waves of slogans chants are special feature of this historic Day. elected Houses in Pakistan and in Azad Kashmir pass commitment renewing resolutions reminding the UNO of its liability to resolve the Kashmir dispute taken to the UNO by India and getting that registered by the UN Security Council on January 1st, 1948 as international dispute threatening world peace and security; the UNSC resolutions for an international plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir to decide the geographic fate of the state are quite obvious,but are pending due to continued Indian stubbornness deviating from her world known pledge to hold the plebiscite.
History favors Kashmiris' struggle; right at this juncture of time over one million Indian military and paramilities are engaged in gagging the voice of the Kashmiris imprisoning thousands including Kashmiri leaders, rights workers, youth, teens and women; but the basic resolve of the Kashmiri strugglers could not be dented by Indian atrocities and oppressions.


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