Tehran 26 Nov 201 (IRNA)
Countries of the region should not assume that 'weapons and the Zionists' support' can bring them happiness, unity and stability, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said. Intervention of some countries in the internal affairs of the region is the root cause of the problems, President Rouhani said on Saturday evening. 'There are signs and proofs that show the Zionists are behind adventures by certain governments in the region, and some big powers are supporting such adventures,' he said. 'The countries in the region should solve their problems on their own, and should not assume that the region can reach happiness, unity and peace using weapons or enjoying the Zionists' and the Americans' support,' the president said. 'Stability and peace will be reached through cooperation among countries in the region.' Iran has always been a powerful country and if required, can use all options, but its priorities have always been engagement, dialogue and solving problems at negotiation table, and these ways have always been its preferences, according to President Rouhani. He said that today the Lebanese are fortunately resolving the problems they were facing, and the Iraqi people are also overcoming the disintegration challenge. President Rouhani also expressed hope that in the cooperation with all the countries, the region will witness peace and stability. Referring to the Iran, Russia and Turkey Summit in Sochi, President Rouhani evaluated the political efforts made by the three countries on Syria's future as satisfactory. The political issues in the region are as important as the fight against terrorism, he said. 'Syria's future, its people situation, the freedom they are seeking, a new constitution, all the political moves that should be made, the decisions Iran, Turkey and Russia agreed on in Sochi, and the cooperation which is underway with the Syrian government, as well as the stability in the region, are all important to us' he said.
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