Doha 17 Feb 2018
Qatar International Center for Conciliation and Arbitration announced the start of the training program for the qualification and preparation of arbitrators 2018, in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Qatar.
The program will begin on Sunday, 18 February at the University of Qatar, and includes six parts comprising 90 training hours, And will conclude in May.
Dr. Thani Bin Ali Al Thani, Board Member of the Qatar International Center for Reconciliation and Arbitration, said that the training program comes within the framework of promoting the culture of arbitration between lawyers, business owners and professionals and preparing arbitrators capable of arbitration in various commercial disputes. The Center seeks to raise awareness among jurists about the best international means of commercial arbitration and the organization of arbitration courses as one of the best alternative means for commercial companies in the State of Qatar to resolve their commercial disputes away from litigation in the courts. Arbitration has many advantages such as efficiency, speed, confidentiality and simplicity of procedure.
He explained that the training program for the qualification and preparation of arbitrators deals with the ability to absorb the idea of commercial arbitration and its various applications, the procedures for managing arbitration proceedings by the arbitrator and the defendant against him, how to formulate the arbitration ruling and its most important elements, The arbitration concept and its legal nature, the arbitration agreement and its drafting rules, and the arbitral award in terms of the method of its issuance and the principles of its formulation, in addition to the implementation or invalidity of the arbitral award.
Following can take part in the program :
Lawyers and legal advisers, legal and administrative leaders in public and private sector, members of legal departments in ministries and government institutions, banks and financial institutions, heads and members of boards and directors of companies and entrepreneurs, contractors, commercial agents, arbitrators and experts in the field of commercial disputes, engineers and accountants, law students and lawyers under training.
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