Doha 22 Sept 2018
Qatar Chamber announced that it would continue to regularly conduct awareness workshops that shed light on the recent amendments to the law regulating the entry and exit of expatriates and their residency.
The chamber’s statement issued on Saturday said that the second workshop will be held on Sunday 22nd Sept, followed by the third on Tuesday 25th Sept, the fourth on Wednesday 26th Sept while the fifth seminar will be held on 30th Sept and the last one will be in October 3.
The chamber called on all private companies to attend the seminars, noting that it would conduct such workshops to reach all companies and businessmen in the country.
The workshops are being held through co-operation and co-ordination between Qatar Chamber (QC), Minister of Interior (MoI), and Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) with a view to give more details to companies, institutions and employers about the amendments, especially with regard to the procedures and controls to determine the 5% of workers in private sector companies whose departure from the country require prior approval/permission.
The legislation allows employees of a private company to leave without an exit permit except for 5% percent of its workers, which is a percentage determined by the employer based on the nature of some sensitive jobs such as those in exchange companies, gold shops and so on.
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