Nicosia 29 June 2018
During their weekly meeting held yesterday, President Mustafa Akıncı and Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman discussed the Maronite community residing in the TRNC, as well as preparations towards opening the Derinya and Aplıç crossing points.
In his statement to the press following the meeting at the Presidential Palace, Prime Minister Tufan Erhürman stated that one of the tenders for works at the crossing points had been completed and the other one will be finalised in mid- July. However, he added that it is not necessary to wait for the tenders to be completed before opening the crossing points.
Prime Minister Erhürman stated that he hopes the Greek Cypriot side will show the same determination and commitment towards the opening of the crossing points to enable the borders to be open by the end of the summer, as planned.
Erhürman said that the Turkish Cypriot side has clearly expressed their will to open the Derinya crossing point, and Erhürman noted that works are continuing at the same pace for the Aplıç crossing point as well.
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