Ankara, 17 April 2020 (Anadolu)
Ankara’s historic Beypazari district on Friday entered the tentative list of UNESCO with its thousands of years old history.
Beypazari has been a settlement since ancient times and holds symbols of ancient traditions with rich historical and natural resources, according to UNESCO.
A popular travel destination close to Turkey’s capital Ankara, the district attracts visitors with its well-preserved old Ottoman houses, diverse local food, and natural sources.
Day-trippers are hosted in traditional Turkish houses, typically two or three-story stone buildings.
As for its local cuisine, the most famous local food is Beypazari kurusu, a traditional long-lasting pastry. Other significant tastes include high-quality natural mineral water, "tarhana" -- a dried crushed mixture of fermented yogurt and wheat flour usually served as a soup -- "eriste" -- traditional noodles -- and stuffed grape leaves.
The fertile soil of the region makes it produce nearly 60% of Turkey's carrots, as well as lettuce, green onion, and spinach farming.
A 3-000-year-old Zerzevan Castle located in southeastern Diyarbakir, the historical port city of Izmir on the Aegean coast, Karatepe-Aslantas archeological site in the central Osmaniye province and Koramaz Valley in the central Kayseri province also entered the UNESCO's tentative list.
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