26 December 2016
National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) in cooperation with GCC regional representative of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) opened on Monday Two days long training workshop on Mixed Migration and Asylum seeking.
The workshop discusses the definition of mixed migration, types of migration, factors that lead to migration, mechanisms of protecting refugees, refuge from a human rights perspective, registration as a protection method in cases of mixed migration, legal and security challenges in addition to a practical practice on building mechanisms of cooperation with relevant authorities.
Dr. Mohamed Saif Al Kuwari, NHRC member said on the occasion that mixed migration has become a challenge over the past few years for the Arab Gulf community. He stressed for more work and coordination effort among government and non-government entities in GCC states. He said to include labor-exporting states as well as international organizations for a positive and effective human-rights-based mechanisms to deal with mixed migration.
He said that the Gulf region is one of the main destinations for migrants where ratio between the citizens and migrant workers is the highest in the world.
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