Beijing, 26 April 2019 (Xinhua)
Xi Jinping, Chinese President on Friday highlighted building infrastructure of high quality, sustainability, risk resilience, reasonable pricing, inclusiveness and accessibility under the Belt and Road Initiative.
Xi made the statement in a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing.
Calling infrastructure the cornerstone of connectivity and a bottleneck of development confronting many countries, Xi said building infrastructure with such standards could help countries give full play to their advantages in resources and better integrate into the global supply, industry and value chains for interconnected development.
He said that China will increase imports of goods and services on a larger scale. China will further lower its tariff rates, Xi said in a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing.
Xi said that China attaches great importance to the establishment of a constraint mechanism for the fulfillment and implementation of international agreements, and the modification and improvement of laws and regulations in accordance with the need of further opening-up.
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