Doha 09 Jan 2018 (QNA)
An official delegation from Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Qatargas left for China to discuss cooperation in the energy field, QP said in a statement today.
QP President and CEO and the Chairman of Qatargas Saad Sherida Al Kaabi and the high-level delegation from Qatar Petroleum and Qatargas will hold talks with chief executives of major Chinese energy companies such as China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), Beijing Gas, and other major institutions.
The statement said that the visit gains great importance as it comes at a time when China leads the drive behind the increasing global demand for energy, and amidst increasing cooperation between China and the State of Qatar.
Qatar launched the first direct shipping line between Hamad Port and Shanghai in 2017, followed by an agreement between Qatar Chemical and Petrochemical Marketing and Distribution Company (Muntajat), the marketing arm of Qatar Petroleum, and Qatar Ports Management Company (Mwani) to launch direct petrochemical shipping services from Hamad Port to a number of ports, including the port of Shanghai.
China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) was a partner with Qatar Petroleum and Shell as the winning bidding consortium for the Alto de Cabo Frio-Oeste block in the prolific Santos hydrocarbon basin offshore Brazil.
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